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Engagement Retention & Recruitment Counselor Pomona
Join the Financial Aid and Scholarships team in providing students with the financial resources and related services necessary to achieve their educational goals. We are committed to providing accurate, user-friendly, responsive, and respectful service to students and their families.
Planning Manager Pomona
This position will help lead the development and implementation of the University’s capital plan, ensuring alignment with the institution’s strategic goals and objectives. The position is responsible for facilitating university wide capital priorities, long range vision plans and programming, development of prioritized projects for design and construction implementation for project readiness and university wide coordination - internal and external entities including Colleges and Departments, faculty, staff and administrators, CSU Office of the Chancellor's staff and administrators, as well as Federal, State and local agencies, and a variety of vendors and contractors in undertaking professional planning activities necessary for the development of all campus public works or capital improvement projects while maintaining a cooperative environment to ensure the successful completion of projects and to achieve the University's goals.
Management and Human Resources-Assistant Professor Pomona
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona invites applications for a tenure track, assistant professor faculty position in the Department of Management and Human Resources in the College of Business Administration beginning Fall 2025.
Computer Information Systems-Assistant Professor Pomona
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona invites applications for a tenure track, assistant professor faculty position in the Department of Computer Information Systems in the College of Business Administration beginning Fall 2025.
Political Science-Assistant Professor Pomona
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona invites applications for a tenure track, assistant professor faculty position in the Department of Political Science in the College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences beginning Fall 2025.
Performance and Education-Assistant Professor Pomona
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona invites applications for a tenure track, assistant professor faculty position in the Department of Theatre & New Dance in the College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences beginning Fall 2025.
CRM Administrator/Analyst Pomona
As a CRM Administrator/Analyst within the Information Technology and Institutional Planning (IT&IP) division, this position will be pivotal in optimizing our customer relationship management (CRM) system to enhance the overall experience for students, faculty, and staff. This position combines the responsibilities of a CRM administrator and analyst, focusing on the strategic use of technology to support the university's mission.
Director, Media Relations Pomona
The Director of Media Relations is responsible for advancing the university’s reputation through proactive and reactive media relations, managing responses to incoming media queries, taking the lead on media inquiries that involve sensitive media inquiries, multiple departments across campus, campus policies or student newspaper. The Director is also responsible for crisis and issues management; media systems, evaluation and reporting; experts' promotion and training; and content development. The incumbent is the primary contact for media and the primary university spokesperson.
Director, Facilities Design & Construction Pomona
Manages all aspects of assigned projects through the full course of the project life cycle including planning, design, construction, and closeout phases. Independently leads and direct projects requiring high levels of functional integration and involving multiple disciplines to be managed. This includes those associated with real estate development, capital improvements, major maintenance and repair, capital renewal, deferred maintenance, and infrastructure improvements.
Social Work-Assistant Professor Pomona
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona invites applications for a tenure track, assistant professor faculty position in the Department of Sociology in the College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences beginning Fall 2025.
Native American/American Indian and Indigenous Studies – Ethnic and Women’s Studies – Assistant Professor Pomona
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona invites applications for a tenure track, assistant professor faculty position in the Department of Ethnic and Women's Studies in the College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences beginning Fall 2025.
Rhetoric and Composition - Assistant Professor Pomona
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona invites applications for a tenure track, assistant professor faculty position in the Department of English & Modern Languages in the College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences beginning Fall 2025.
Housing & Land Use – Urban & Regional Planning – Assistant Professor Pomona
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona invites applications for a tenure track, assistant professor faculty position in the Department of Urban & Regional Planning in the College of Environmental Design beginning Fall 2025.
Architecture, Assistant Professor Pomona
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona invites applications for a tenure track, assistant professor faculty position in the Department of Architecture in the College of Environmental Design beginning Fall 2025.
Architecture-Ethnic Studies Affinity Cluster-Assistant Professor Pomona
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona invites applications for a tenure track, assistant professor faculty position in the Department of Architecture in the College of Environmental Design beginning Fall 2025.
Police Officer Pomona
The primary responsibilities of a Police Officer are to protect students, faculty, staff, campus visitors, property and facilities from accidents, bodily harm, fire, theft, vandalism, and illegal entry; enforce laws and traffic regulations; apprehend violators; provide general information and assistance to the public; and assist in investigations. Police Officers patrol campus buildings and grounds by foot or by vehicle; control crowds during assemblies or disturbances; guard property; investigate and prepare reports on accidents, property damage, fires, law violations, thefts, and disturbances of the peace; and gather evidence, make arrests and appear in court as required.
Director, Diversity Outreach Initiatives Pomona
The role of the Director of Diversity Outreach Initiatives is a strategic leadership position responsible for overseeing the Residential Intensive Summer Education (RISE) program in addition to other diversity related outreach initiatives, with a focus on shaping and expanding outreach efforts to underserved students. Dedicated to supporting Black students on their college journey and ensuring success at Cal Poly Pomona, this position is instrumental in developing and leading the diversity outreach efforts to redefine and extend access to higher education. This role demands a visionary leader with expertise in securing grants to support program growth and sustainability. This position requires a deep level of cross-divisional collaborations while developing diversity-driven outreach efforts focusing on underserved populations, while maintaining a focus on the Black community.
University Library-Science Librarian Pomona
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona invites applications for a tenure track, assistant professor faculty position in the University Library in the Department of Research and Instruction Services Unit beginning Fall 2024.
Administrative Support Pool Pomona
The Administrative Support Pool provides a platform for motivated individuals to be contacted in consideration of a temporary administrative position when there is an urgent need for a skilled administrative staff. Although they may not interact with students as frequently as other areas, they are vital contributors to the university community. Our administrative staff embody the spirit of collaboration, learning, and innovation, while ensuring the smooth functioning of operations across campus.
Post-Doctoral Counselor Intern Pomona
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona invites applications for two Multicultural Post-Doctoral Intern positions in Counseling and Psychological Services beginning Fall 2024.

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